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Water News Archive

There is a time for everything

We launched our newsletter "Wassernachrichten" 22 years ago. The aim was to combine information with communication. It was a time when there were no social networks and mobile phones were primarily used to make calls. A lot has changed in the meantime. Mobile phones have become high-performance computers and access to the Internet is possible almost anywhere and at any time. The HydroGroup® is now also represented on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube and regularly posts news articles. For "Wassernachrichten", this means that the time had come to finally say goodbye with issue 36/2023.

You can browse through older issues here in the archive.

Newsletter Edition 36/2023

Clausthal-Zellerfeld: new waterworks in the network, Europe's largest stainless-steel drinking water storage system in operation, Ozone bio-filtration plant connected to the water network, Process water treatment, New managing director at Hydro-Elektrik AS, Storage hall construction at the Tannheim production site, All good things come to an end

Newsletter Edition 35/2022

Europe's largest stainless-steel drinking water storage tanks, The water tower reinvented, 
Water treatment in Norway: New Tisjøen waterworks under construction, Exhaust vapour condensate treatment plant under construction in Hanover, New MasterCut plasma cutting machine, Mobile drinking water treatment system on loan to spa town in Harz Highlands

Newsletter Edition 34/2021

50 Years' Hydro-Elektrik, 20 Years' RWT at Hydro, 10 Years' HydroGroup®, Milestones on the way to 50 years of Hydro-Elektrik GmbH, Hydro-Elektrik GmbH with stable organic growth, Working for the most valuable foodstuff – our water

Newsletter Edition 33/2021

Death of Bruno Bachhofer - Creative CEO, dearly esteemed friend and colleague. Reminder

Newsletter Edition 32/2020

The first elevated tank system with HydroSystemTanks® in Norway, Clear water for the East Frisian island of Juist, The Ozone-Bromine Method is in DIN 19643-5, Internet-Relaunch, New water treatment for paper mill in Brandenburg, Ultra-pure water trailer successfully in operation for almost one year, Tannheim Location - Outdoor facility ready

Newsletter Edition 31/2019

Modern waterworks for the Romanian commune of Dumbravita, Spring collection shaft and pumping station made of stainless steel, Drinking water treatment - better is the enemy of good, Water treatment in industry - Mobile system for demineralised water production, New extension building occupied at the Tannheim site ...

Newsletter Edition 29/2018

Reverse osmosis system with retentate treatment, Filter system to demanganise drinking water, Two-line ion-exchange desalination system, Construction progress at Tannheim location, Facebook and Instagram, Important dates

Newsletter Edition 28/2017

Emergency supply systems in the supply industry, Partial water treatment upgrade in a power plant,ifference between softening and demineralisation, Nine-figue investment to secure future, Two-lane reverse osmosis with downstream counterflowwater softening

Newsletter Edition 25/2016

HydroSystemTower®: The water tower reinvented, P30: Small and refined, New water treatment system for gelatine production, ...

Newsletter Issue 24/2014

New building and renovation of the Arzheim elevated tank in Landau, New deferrisation system for the community of Oberdischingen, Ølve waterworks in Kvinnherad, Torpa waterworks in Nordre Land municipality, Improved water quality thanks to softening and nanofiltration, New elevated tank „Alte Rebschule“, ...

Newsletter Issue 22/2014

EU Biocide Regulation and water conditioning, important dates, Demineralization system for paper factory, knowledge - demineralization, news team HydroGroup, ...

Newsletter Issue 20/2013

Expansion completed, reverse osmosis system, new water plant in operation, news from the RWT team, news from the Hydro team, important dates ...

Newsletter Issue 18/2012

Micropollutants in drinking water, New technical information sheets - Climate management in water plants, Cleaning stainless steel, New waterworks for Bamble, Production and use of oxygen in water treatment, ... 

Newsletter Issue 12/2010

New image of the group, proven quality and scope of service, IFAT 2010, gigantic HydroSystemTank, new waterworks in Norway, ...

Newsletter Issue 11/2010

Turning over of the company management at Hydro-Elektrik GmbH, complex process control technology for water treatment realised in power plant, Hydro-Phonolith filter material approved, ...

Newsletter Issue 10/2008

Introduction of a new sales structure, 8 years of experience with stainless steel tanks as drinking water storage, large-scale project power station, best drinking water in Norway, ...

Newsletter Issue 9/2007

Groundwater quality, ozone essential for water treatment, RWT delivers water treatment for heating and power station, centralised softening of drinking water, ...

Newsletter Issue 8/2006

Reflecting on 35 years of Hydro-Elektrik GmbH Several significant eras are summarised. ...

Newsletter Issue 7/2006

Fair success in Berlin, new Internet presence for RWT, non-corroding stainless steel in water management

Newsletter Issue 6/2006

Source water treatment with modern ozone compact unit technology, thermal degassing of boiler water, ...

Newsletter Issue 5/2004

Hydro-Elektrik founds a subsidiary in Norway, about the benefit of research, on the way to "feel-well" water, importance of the pH value, ...

Newsletter Issue 4/2003

Special Prize for Innovation conferred to Hydro-Elektrik, on the "way to the North", what is ozone bio-filtration? ...

Newsletter Issue 3/2003

HydroSystemTanks are winners, Hydro has QM certification, ozone as an efficient disinfectant and oxidation agent, ...

Newsletter Issue 2/2001

Ozone water treatment system with flocculation stage for the Swiss municipality of Schmitten, ozone as efficient disinfectant for water purification, ...

Newsletter Issue 1/2001

RWT-GmbH changes ownership, bacteria create drinking water, wash-water treatment for car-wash systems, ...